Barnard’s climate vision acknowledges the critical role of women 和 people of color in defining climate solutions, 和 the intersectionality of climate 以及社会公正. 我们是 承诺 to exp和ing our work at this intersection, while providing support to students 和 amplifying the voices of communities of color as we work together to find solutions.
Barnard’s 教师 brings expertise in environmental sciences, 可持续性, 以及社会公正, 和 are working to provide students the tools to create a more equitable future. 的 Consortium of Critical Interdisciplinary Studies 最近推出了 Environmental Humanities minor, the 环境科学 部门 提供主修和辅修, 和 the Anthropology 部门 offers the 政治生态轨迹. For additional information 点击这里.
- 课程: Barnard offers a variety of courses that explore environmental justice. Below are just a few highlights, please also see the full list of 可持续性 related-courses:
- 2024年春季
- EESC-BC3027: Urban Ecosystems
- HIST-BC2477-0: Race, Class, 和 Politics in NYC
- HRTS-GU4460: Climate Justice
- SOCI-BC3244: Environmental Sociology
- URBS-UN3452: 住房 Policy in the United States
讲座及研究十大电竞游戏综合排名的教员和 BCRW have a variety of talks 和 research studies. 以下是其中几个:
- 教授 贝琳达阿齐邦(北巴卡西’s 面试 with the Center for Engaged Pedagogy.
- 教授 玛丽莎所罗门’s 在卫斯理大学演讲 和 黑大西洋生态 项目.
- 教授 黛比·比彻’s investigation of property-rights transfers necessary for oil extraction in the Northern Plains.
- 教授 佩奇西, Director of the 哥伦比亚大学 Center for the Study of Social Difference, 想象正义
- 45th Annual Scholar 和 Feminist Conference: Climate Crisis, Climate Justice
Click her to learn about our 圆形的校园 以及通往零排放的道路.
CU: Climate Justice 和 Just Transition: Recognition 和 Reparations, October 19, 2021
CU: A Conversation About Climate 和 Food with Bill McKibbin, October 13, 2021
BC: City Atlas Game Night with Energetic: 的 Board Game,
BC: 环境正义 in the 社区, September 28, 2021
BC: NYC Climate Week Panel Discussion: Building a 圆形的校园: Connecting the Dots Between Scope 3 Emissions, Circularity, 和 Justice. 9月23日 下午4时至5时
BC: 设计红线
- 5 Questions With… Dean Spade ‘97
Advancing Barnard’s Climate 行动: A Conversation Series 和 Citizens’ Assembly: During the fall semester we held a series of campus conversations open to all students, 教师, 工作人员, 和 alumnae to bring the community together 和 develop a set of 建议. Our conversations focused on 可持续性 和 access, 课程氛围, 旅行排放.